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kari lake gay

Kari Lake Gay - Kari Lake is horrified by the kids at the drag show, but will she let her daughter watch it?

Opinion: Cary Lake is concerned about the effect of drag shows on children, but a popular drag queen in Phoenix says she performed at Lake's house in front of Lake's daughter.

Kari Lake Gay

Kari Lake Gay

"They kicked God out of school and welcomed Drag Queens," he said on Instagram and Twitter on Friday. "They took down our flag and replaced it with a rainbow. They are trying to disarm the American people and militarize our Enemy. Let's get back to the basics: God, guns and glory."

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While we're at it, let's also bring in a drag queen who has known the lake for over two decades.

Rick Stevens is one of the Valley's best-known drag performers, performing as Barbra Seville for the past 25 years in theaters, bars and parties around town, and, he says, at parties at his Cary Lake house.

"He is friends with a princess," he told me. "He had his child with a queen. I was in drag at his house for his friends and family. He is not threatened by them. He keeps coming to the show. To make me a publican for political interests is too much. ".

Stevens, who is backing Democrat Kathy Hobbs for governor, released a photo Friday afternoon of Lake with her and another drag performer and some of their correspondence from 2015. Similar photos from 2012 and 2014 were posted on Kari Lake's social media.

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"Richard's allegations are full of lies," he said in a statement sent to me. "The incident in question was a party at someone's house and the perpetrator was there as a Marilyn Monroe impersonator. This is not a drag show, and the issue we're talking about is that adults in drag show show. The issue is the sexualization of young children, and it has to stop."

Drag shows are the latest front in America's culture wars. It all started earlier this month in Texas (like so many things) with the Drag the Kids to Pride event in Dallas, billed as a "family-friendly drag show."

While conservative politicians are a little worried about what they call the "sexualization" of our children, it's not clear what makes them so upset. In a video clip that went viral on social media and sparked all the rage, the actors dressed and danced in a way that didn't seem overly sexual.

Kari Lake Gay

It had a very dangerous neon sign and a picture of a child giving money to one of the dancers. But it seems that serving coffee to a dancer is not so different from serving a dancer in your garden.

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Regardless, Republican lawmakers in Arizona quickly moved into a week of action, vowing to "fight to protect the most innocent from this horrific and disturbing trend."

He said he met Lake in the late 1990s when he and some of his Fox10 colleagues went to 307 Lounge, a gay bar in downtown Phoenix that hosted (adult) shows of Barbra Seville's Mrs. Ebony, Pussy Le Hoot and Celia Putty and others.

"They (Lake and his colleagues) would go down to Lounge 307, which was about a mile or two from the station, and they would stay in a meeting," he said. "He regularly came to the show. I wouldn't say every week, but it's not common."

Stevens said he and Lake became friends — "I like being gay sometimes" — for interviews on LGBTQ-related news.

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Stevens said Lake invited her to his home in downtown Phoenix to perform as Marilyn Monroe at a birthday party 10 or 12 years ago and later to perform a drag routine for a reporter reader at a children's wedding in 2015. He said he especially remembered Lake's daughter in one of the shows because she wore glasses and he sympathized because she hated wearing them as a child.

Drag shows can run from raunchy to G-rated, depending on the crowd. Although there is no nudity, Stevens admits that there is revealing clothing, although it does not happen, he said, at a family event.

"The whole idea that you have to protect children from being dragged is ridiculous because not many people do it and not many plans are suitable for families," he said.

Kari Lake Gay

He sees the recent attacks on drag queens as a calculated reaction designed to rouse the right wing and distract people from the real danger to children.

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"Everybody knows what happened," he said. "People need something else to talk about because the conversation about gun control and kids getting killed in schools has become so real, so people want to say, let's protect kids from gun violence."

Regarding Lake's reaction after the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, he wanted to end the tax on ammunition.

"He supported Obama and now I'm here to tell you he supports drag queens and puts his kids in front of drag kids," she said. so a few more votes, out of power, I'm happy to do that." PHOENIX, ARIZONA - AUGUST 01: Republican gubernatorial candidate Cary Lake speaks after speaking at a campaign event on the first night, which also featured U.S. , greets supporters. Sen. candidate Blake Masters at Duce's Bar on August 1, 2022 in Phoenix, Arizona. Lake, who supports former President Donald Trump, faces Karin Taylor Robson, who is supported by former Vice President Mike Pence.

Lake said he would not sign a hypothetical bill to protect gay and transgender people under Arizona's existing discrimination laws.

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Kari Lake, one of Arizona's Republican front-runners in the upcoming gubernatorial race, recently found herself in hot water when it became clear that her words condemning the drag show were inconsistent with her past actions. Drag queen Phoenix revealed that she and Lake have been friends for a long time and he even invited her to perform at his house.

Lake has been at the forefront of Republicans who have decried the open-ended demonstrations as well as diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in schools as part of the party's latest moral panic. He recently tweeted: "They kicked God out of school and welcomed Drag Queens. They took down our Flag and replaced it with a rainbow. They tried to disarm the American people and militarize our Enemies. Let's get back to basics." : God, Arms and Weapons. Honor".

Curry Lake claims the LGBTQ pride flag is undermining American culture. But in a June 20 interview on KFYI radio, he claimed he's received continued support from gay people across Arizona — and that those gays are just as "sick" as he is.

Kari Lake Gay

"[Gay people] don't want that," Lake said. "They want their rights and they want to live their lives alone."

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This all comes as part of a broader political assault on LGBTQ rights over the past year. Right-wing groups have created a moral panic by portraying gay and trans people as "hairy people" - playing on the archaic and bigoted stereotype that they are pedophiles who prey on and harm children.

The result: in 2022 alone, more than 240 bills targeting the LGBTQ community were introduced to state legislatures across the country, usually under the false pretense of protecting children. Most of them try to prevent trans people from participating in sports, using the bathroom that matches their identity, or accessing gender-affirming medical services.

Politicians and pundits claim the show contains inappropriate content that "offends" children, making it the latest target of an extreme culture war. Although the show is sometimes risqué, there is very little sexual content.

"[Carrie Lake] is friends with a drag queen," Richard Stevens, who performs under the stage name Barbra Seville, told The Arizona Republic. "He had his son with a queen. I was in drag at his house for his friends and family. He was not threatened by them. He keeps coming to shows. To make me politically interested, that's it. A lot."

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During Pride month, the battle of fears surrounding drag shows reaches a fever pitch. Some venues hosting demonstrations have faced threats of violence. In California, a group of men stormed a "Drag Queen Story Hour" event at a local library, shouting homophobic slurs as they "tried to escalate the violence."

An attorney representing Lake sent Stevens a "cease and desist" letter. Lake denies the allegations and says he will sue Stevens for defamation. He also tried to discredit Stevens, calling him a "radical left-wing activist".

"Our newspapers in this town take his words and his lies and treat them as gospel. It's amazing," Lake said.

Kari Lake Gay

More recently, Lake accused President Joe Biden of campaigning for "events" and claimed he was "withholding School Lunch Program funds from schools that don't implement his sexist program." In fact, what happened was the Department

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