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succession bernie sanders

Succession Bernie Sanders - Why progressives chose Bernie Sanders over Elizabeth Warren In 2016, progressives tried to push Warren into the presidential race, but this time, many people supported Sanders.

Democratic presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders speak during the Martin Luther King Jr. Day Parade in January in Columbia, SC Hide caption Meg Kinard/AP

Succession Bernie Sanders

Succession Bernie Sanders

Democratic presidential candidates Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders speak during a Martin Luther King Jr. Day rally in Columbia in January.

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Progressive groups were torn apart last summer when Elizabeth Warren drew thousands of people to mega-rallies on long-awaited selfie lines that would last into the night. They saw both Warren and her presidential candidate Bernie Sanders as allies in their cause.

Sanders inherited goodwill from his 2016 race against Hillary Clinton. But Warren was an influential late-night TV star who fought big banks during the recession and, remarkably, a politician who was a progressive who tried to challenge Clinton in the 2016 primary before Sanders entered the race.

"Our members really wanted to see him run in this race," explained Charles Chamberlain, president of Democracy for America, an organization that spearheaded the Run, Warren, Run movement in 2015. He was a better candidate than Hillary Clinton."

"Bernie Sanders ran an extraordinary campaign in 2016, winning 23 contests, changing the conversation about what's possible for progressives in the country, and moving the entire Democratic Party to the left," he said.

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For most of the primary season, Chamberlain said, group members were divided, but when it became clear that Sanders was winning the race and Warren couldn't finish higher than third, they decided to publicly endorse the Vermont senator.

"The bottom line for our members is: Who is the best candidate for Donald Trump and who can win?" said Chamberlain.

How and why a woman hailed as a great progressive political hope lost the support of a number of prominent progressive groups explains why Warren's campaign failed.

Succession Bernie Sanders

If Sanders hadn't run this year, they agree, they would have wholeheartedly supported Warren. Some groups have insisted that their support is based on Sanders' credibility and consistency on issues like health care and climate change, not on what Warren says or does. They are suffering from a spur of the moment offer that led to their decision, but they acknowledge the turnaround that began in October when they endorsed freshman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Sanders. Support for the Vermont senator then gained momentum over the winter, as Warren was seen as an opponent of a key issue — Medicare for All.

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The first major progressive group to endorse was the Working Families Party in September and chose Warren.

"Elizabeth Warren was a personal hero to many members of the World Food Program," Maurice Mitchell, the group's national director, told a crowd of about 20,000 people at a rally in New York. "His criticism of the financial industry helped lay the groundwork for Occupy Wall Street."

The Working Families Party's decision sent a message to progressives: Don't stay neutral in the primaries; Choose a side.

At the time, Warren was surging in the polls, and for a time even surpassed Joe Biden as the national leader. Thus, both progressive organizations and voters seemed to be split between Warren and Sanders.

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In October, three of the four members of the progressive congressional "squad" — Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Taleb, and Ilhan Omar — decided to endorse Sanders. This group of young, multiracial women, some of the most outspoken progressive voices in Congress, put their feet on the scale. Progressives across the country have noticed.

Rap. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders stands together during a February campaign event at the Whitmore Center Arena in Durham, Joe Radle/Getty Images hide caption

Rap. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders stands together during a February campaign event at the Whitmore Center Arena in Durham.

Succession Bernie Sanders

"You started to see the dominoes fall after that," said George Gohl of People's Action, a coalition of progressive groups representing about 1 million people. The organization endorsed Sanders in December.

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Also in December, another progressive coalition, the People's Center for Democratic Action, endorsed Sanders. Then in January, the Sunrise Movement, made up of thousands of young climate activists, publicly endorsed Sanders.

They all pointed to the Vermont senator's honesty, as well as the unparalleled time and permission he gave. But some of them have acknowledged the concerns of many Democrats about this cycle -- getting elected.

Warren's fans often praised her trademark schemes and focus on politics. But when it came to ideology, Sanders took those ideas even further. Warren has promised a 2 percent wealth tax on those with a net worth of more than $50 million. Sanders upped that by calling for a 1% wealth tax on net worths over $32 million. Warren promised affordable childcare. Sanders then promised free childcare.

"All the candidates hold progressive positions, but Bernie goes the furthest," said Evan Weber, political director and founder of the Sunrise Movement. This was an exception that many progressives noted.

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October was a rough month for Warren. He was frequently questioned by reporters and his opponents about how he would pay for Medicare for All without raising taxes on the middle class. On November 1, he laid out a plan, but the more details he offered, the more conciliatory it seemed to progressive purists.

"The fact that he distanced himself from Medicare for All, and when he thought he could do that — really distanced him from our people," said Natalia Salgado, policy director at the People's Center for Democratic Action.

A progressive activist who spoke for this story supports Sanders but acknowledged that Warren's two-step plan for Medicare for All is a more realistic path to universal coverage. However, he said he shouldn't have compromised in the first place because Republicans would push it further. Democrats must be bold and uncompromising, he said.

Succession Bernie Sanders

Another important issue for progressives was immigration. This has become a mainstay of their agenda, especially under President Trump's administration.

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"One of the defining factors for us between Bernie and Warren was their stance on the deportation moratorium," Salgado said. (In November, Sanders announced an immigration plan calling for a moratorium. Around the same time, Warren said she was "open" to a moratorium. In February, Sanders' campaign manager said the candidate would have some exceptions to the moratorium, but at the time, Sanders was on the issue. benefited from being seen as the most distant.)

The struggle for Warren was that she could never surpass the man who came to define the movement after 2016. Two intersecting lines form an "X". It shows how to stop an interaction or decline a notification.

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Sen. Sherrod Brown says HBO's 'The Inheritance' shows how rich people get away with bad behavior: 'No rules apply to them'

Bernie Sanders: 'california'

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Ohio Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown, a fan of HBO's hit show "The Undertaker," said in a new interview with Time that the series paints a true picture of how the very rich misbehave and get away with it.

"No matter what they do, no matter what wrong they do that affects the rest of us, they will never pay the price and no rules will apply to them," Brown said. "It's so depressing to think about people who have so much influence over our economy and our government. Voters continue to allow people like this to have such power over their lives."

Succession Bernie Sanders

Connie Schultz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and Brown's wife, sent out a viral tweet earlier this month about an episode of "Inheritance" that included a dramatic congressional hearing.

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"I'm watching #Sexcess with the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee and my holy cannoli," Schultz tweeted.

Brown told Time that the congressional hearings on the show "were not true to life" because cousin Greg, played by Nicholas Brown, was let off too easily. For reference: Cousin Greg was involved in a cover-up of corruption in the cruise ship division of the fictional company (owned by Westar Royco) at the center of the series.

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